Sim-Plex Design Studio is a residential HOME interior design studio, which mainly focus on expanding the possibilities of limited space. We design transformable space creating flexibility, multi-functionalities and art imageries.

The visions and philosophy of the Sim-Plex Design Studio are as below:

[1] Live beyond the limit

Not only lacking of space is a common phenomenon in the world, but also changing needs and absence of spatial imagination. Sim-Plex and its collaborators reinforce a core vision: to enrich our living environment with endless possibilities within a limited space.

[2] Search "complexity" among "simplicity"

Sim-Plex believes in searching for natural and adaptive complexity, that is multiple living scenarios from spatial simplicity. The practice aims to expand the possibilities and imagination of space through the methodologies of transformation and reinterpretation.

[3] Micro design Responsive to Macro Social Context

Sim-Plex believe that every small space would be the miniature of a society. They tends to drill into the every part of the projects: site context, neighborhood, historical background, patterns of living, needs of end-users, materials ,etc and grabs a line of thinking which could be responsive to social issue. No matter the micro-scale of some Sim-Plex projects, the story or imageries behind could be inspiring and even responsive to the macro-scale social issues. The projects help to set as a prototype catalyst to improve the living environment.

[4] Micro design Responsive to Macro Social Context

Sim-Plex believe that every small space would be the miniature of a society. They tends to drill into the every part of the projects and grabs a line of thinking which could be responsive to social issue.